Message to the pro-life community
People are making too little out of embryo destruction. If we continue to focus on the facts that abortion by surgical procedure mutilates children and that abortion hurts women rather than emphasize the personhood and right to life of all unborn children, we will never win the fight against the killing of embryonic children.
Can we say that a woman had changed her mind about the morality of abortion if after having seen an image of a surgically aborted child, she chose to have a chemical abortion, or because she was too far along to have a chemical abortion she chose to give birth, but would be willing to chemically abort her next child in the early stage of her pregnancy?
Can we say that anyone who sees an image of the mutilated body of an aborted child will become pro-life and defend the right to life of all unborn children from the moment of conception?
Can we say that people will not reject the killing of embryonic children until they see an image of a destroyed embryo?
We must equally defend all unborn children from the moment of conception by emphasizing their personhood and right to life.
No matter how small, a person is a person. Let us unite in our defense of each and every one of us.